Source code for XIGrM.prepare_pyatomdb

A series of codes to deal with atomdb data.

Currently used atomdb version: 3.0.9

The temporary version only provides atomic data
within [0.01, 100] keV. To check the details, 
see 2.0.2 release notes in

import pyatomdb
import numpy as np
import as fits
from astropy import units as astrou
from astropy import constants as astroc
import time
import h5py
import os

[docs]def elsymbs_to_z0s(elements): # Get atomic numbers for given element lists. ''' Convert element symbols to atomic numbers. Based on pyatomdb.atomic.elsymb_to_z0(). ''' aNumbers = [] for element in elements: aNumbers += [pyatomdb.atomic.elsymb_to_z0(element)] aNumbers = np.array(aNumbers) return np.sort(aNumbers)
try: ATOMDB = os.environ['ATOMDB'] except KeyError: HOME = os.environ['HOME'] ATOMDB = HOME + '/atomdb' if 'atomdb' not in os.listdir(HOME): os.mkdir(ATOMDB) os.environ['ATOMDB'] = ATOMDB # Change the following into your own path. if ATOMDB[-1] == '/': line_file = ATOMDB + 'apec_line.fits' coco_file = ATOMDB + 'apec_coco.fits' else: line_file = ATOMDB + '/apec_line.fits' coco_file = ATOMDB + '/apec_coco.fits' try: line = continuum = except FileNotFoundError: _version = '3.0.9' userid = '00000000' userprefs={} userprefs['USERID'] = userid userprefs['LASTVERSIONCHECK'] = time.time() pyatomdb.util.write_user_prefs(userprefs, adbroot=ATOMDB) pyatomdb.util.download_atomdb_emissivity_files(ATOMDB, userid, _version) line = continuum = # ergperkev erg_per_kev = (1*astrou.keV/astrou.erg).cgs.value#1.60205062e-9 # Modify this to make it compatible with your element list Included_Elements = ['H', 'He', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Ne', 'Mg', 'Si', 'S', 'Ca', 'Fe'] atomicNumbers = elsymbs_to_z0s(Included_Elements) # atomic = [1, 2, 6, 8, 14, 26] atomic_in_atomdb = np.sort(continuum[2].data['Z']) # keV_per_kboltz = 11604.505 * 1.0e3 # line_cut = line[1].data['kT'] * keV_per_kboltz # cut = continuum[1].data['kT'] * keV_per_kboltz line_cut = ((line[1].data['kT']) * astrou.keV/astroc.k_B).to('K').value cut = (continuum[1].data['kT'] * astrou.keV/astroc.k_B).to('K').value
[docs]def calculate_continuum_emission(energy_bins, specific_elements = atomicNumbers, return_spectra = False): """ Calculate continuum emissions and cooling rates for individual atoms in atomdb. Parameters ---------- energy_bins Energy_bins to calculate cooling rates and generate spectra on, must be in keV in the range of [0.01, 100]. specfic_elements Atomic numbers of elements to be individually listed in the result. All the other elements in atomdb will also be calculated but will be added together as the last element of the result. return_spectra Whether to return generated spectra. Returns ------- dict A dictionary consists of Cooling rates (key: 'CoolingRate') and spectra (key: 'Emissivity') if chosen contributed by continuum for different elements at different temperatures. """ atomic = specific_elements avg_energy_in_bins = (energy_bins[1:] + energy_bins[:-1]) / 2.0 cont_emission = np.zeros((len(atomic) + 1, len(cut))) if return_spectra: cont_spectra = np.zeros((len(atomic) + 1, len(cut), len(energy_bins)-1)) for i in range(0, len(cut)): print('Cont. Temperature: %g K' % cut[i]) k = 0 for a in atomic_in_atomdb: spec = pyatomdb.spectrum.make_spectrum(energy_bins, i + 2, dolines = False, dopseudo = False, \ elements = [a],\ linefile = line_file,\ cocofile = coco_file) if a in atomic: real_idx = k print('Atomic number: %d' % atomic[k]) k += 1 else: real_idx = -1 print('Adding to index: %d' % real_idx) cont_emission[real_idx][i] += np.sum(spec * avg_energy_in_bins) if return_spectra: cont_spectra[real_idx, i, :] += spec if return_spectra: return {'CoolingRate': cont_emission * erg_per_kev, 'Emissivity': cont_spectra} else: return {'CoolingRate': cont_emission * erg_per_kev}
[docs]def calculate_line_emission(energy_bins, specific_elements = atomicNumbers, return_spectra = False): """ Calculate line emissions and cooling rates for individual atoms in atomdb. Parameters ---------- energy_bins Energy_bins to calculate cooling rates and generate spectra on, must be in keV in the range of [0.01, 100]. specfic_elements Atomic numbers of elements to be individually listed in the result. All the other elements in atomdb will also be calculated but will be added together as the last element of the result. return_spectra Whether to return generated spectra. Returns ------- dict A dictionary consists of Cooling rates (key: 'CoolingRate') and spectra (key: 'Emissivity') if chosen contributed by emission lines for different elements at different temperatures. """ atomic = specific_elements avg_energy_in_bins = (energy_bins[1:] + energy_bins[:-1]) / 2.0 line_emission = np.zeros((len(atomic) + 1, len(line_cut))) if return_spectra: line_spectra = np.zeros((len(atomic) + 1, len(line_cut), len(energy_bins)-1)) for i in range(0, len(line_cut)): print('Line Temperature: %g K' % line_cut[i]) k = 0 for a in atomic_in_atomdb: spec = pyatomdb.spectrum.make_spectrum(energy_bins, i + 2, dolines = True, docont = False, dopseudo = True,\ elements = [a],\ linefile = line_file,\ cocofile = coco_file) if a in atomic: real_idx = k print('Atomic number: %d' % atomic[k]) k += 1 else: real_idx = -1 print('Adding to index: %d' % real_idx) line_emission[real_idx][i] += np.sum(spec * avg_energy_in_bins) if return_spectra: line_spectra[real_idx, i , :] += spec if return_spectra: return {'CoolingRate': line_emission * erg_per_kev, 'Emissivity': line_spectra} else: return {'CoolingRate':line_emission * erg_per_kev}
[docs]def get_index(te, teunits='K', logscale=False): """ Finds indexes in the calculated table with kT closest ro desired kT. Parameters ---------- te : numpy.ndarray Temperatures in keV or K teunits : {'keV' , 'K'} Units of te (kev or K, default keV) logscale : bool Search on a log scale for nearest temperature if set. Returns ------- numpy.adarray Indexes in the Temperature list. """ # History # ------- # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster July 17th 2015 # # # Version 0.2 - fixed bug so teunits = l works properly # Adam Foster Jan 26th 2016 # # # Version 0.3 - allow array as input # Zhiwei Shao July 20 2019 if teunits.lower() == 'k': teval = te.reshape(-1,1) # For convenience of broadcasting elif teunits.lower() == 'kev': teval = ((te*astrou.keV/astroc.k_B).to('K')).value.reshape(-1,1) else: print("*** ERROR: unknown temeprature unit %s. Must be keV or K. Exiting ***"%\ (teunits)) if logscale: i = np.argmin(np.abs(np.log(line_cut)-np.log(teval)), axis=1) else: i = np.argmin(np.abs(line_cut-teval), axis=1) return i
[docs]def get_atomic_masses(atomic_numbers): ''' Get atomic masses of the input atomic numbers. Based on pyatomdb.atomic.Z_to_mass(). ''' aMass = [] for num in atomic_numbers: aMass.append(pyatomdb.atomic.Z_to_mass(num)) aMass = np.array(aMass) return aMass
[docs]def AG89_abundances(atomic_numbers): ''' Get AG89 abundances of the given input atomic numbers. Based on pyatomdb.atomdb.get_abundance(). ''' ag89 = [] abundance = pyatomdb.atomdb.get_abundance() for num in atomic_numbers: ag89.append(abundance[num]) ag89 = np.array(ag89) return ag89
[docs]def load_emissivity_file(filename, specific_elements=None, energy_band=[0.5, 2.0], n_bins=1000): ''' Load the emissivity file calculated based on pyatomdb. If filename can't be loaded, then will calculate and save the emissivity information based on supplied specific_elements. Parameters ---------- filename : str File name of the emissivity file to load. specific_elements List of element symbols to include in calculation. If set to None, will automatically calculate all elements included in pyatomdb. energy_band [min, max] energy range in keV to calculate emissivity within. n_bins : int Number of bins when calculating emissivity. ''' try: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: continuum_emission = f['continuum_emission'][:] lines_emission = f['line_emission'][:] atom_list = f['atomic_numbers'][:] return {'cont': continuum_emission, 'line': lines_emission, 'atomic_numbers': atom_list} except OSError: print('Can\'t find emissivity file! Generating one now...') energy_bins = np.linspace(energy_band[0], energy_band[1], n_bins + 1) if specific_elements == None: elements = atomic_in_atomdb else: elements = elsymbs_to_z0s(specific_elements) continuum_emission = calculate_continuum_emission(energy_bins, specific_elements=elements)['CoolingRate'] lines_emission = calculate_line_emission(energy_bins, specific_elements=elements)['CoolingRate'] with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as f: h = f.create_group('Units') h.attrs['Emissivity'] = 'erg*cm**3/s' h.attrs['Band'] = '{}keV-{}keV'.format(energy_band[0], energy_band[1]) f.create_dataset('line_emission', data = lines_emission) f.create_dataset('continuum_emission', data = continuum_emission) f.create_dataset('atomic_numbers', data=elements) return {'cont': continuum_emission, 'line': lines_emission, 'atomic_numbers': elements}