Welcome to XIGrM’s documentation!


This is a package for systematically analysing the X-ray properties of IGrM (Intragroup Medium) in cosmological simulations based on pynbody, pyatomdb, pytspec and Liang et al., 2016. The project github page is here.

The package consists of six parts:

  • prepare_pyatomdb : A series of codes to deal with atomdb data.

  • cosmology : Calculate some necessary cosmological parameters.

  • gas_properties : A series of codes to generate basic information of gas particles required by following analysing.

  • X_properties : Tools for analysing X-ray properties of the IGrM.

  • calculate_R : Codes for caluclating radii R200, R500, etc (and corresponding masses) of halos.

  • halo_analysis : Tools for analysing IGrM and halo properties.


Indices and tables