Source code for XIGrM.halo_analysis

Tools for analysing IGrM and halo properties. 
Assume any necessary basic quantities is already 
prepared as the derived arrays of the snapshot.

from astropy.table import Table
import pynbody as pnb
import astropy.constants as astroc
import astropy.units as astrou
import numpy as np
import time
import h5py

from . import prepare_pyatomdb as ppat
from . import calculate_R as cR
from . import cosmology
from . import gas_properties as g_p
from .X_properties import cal_tspec, cal_tweight
import pyatomdb

# The field here is only for initialization. If you 
# want to change the calculated quantities, you will 
# need to modify the calculating functions.

radius_field = ['vir', '200', '500', '2500']
masstype = ['star', 'gas', 'bar', 'ism', 'cold', 'igrm'] # used in Figure 8 of Liang et al.
radii_to_cal_sepcific_mass = ['200', '500']
specific_mass_field = []
for ra in radii_to_cal_sepcific_mass:
    specific_mass_field += [_masstype + ra for _masstype in masstype]
mass_field = radius_field + specific_mass_field + ['total_star', 'self_star', 'total_sfgas', 'self_sfgas']
temp_field = ['x', 'x_cont', 'xb', 'xb_corr', 'mass', 'spec', 'spec_corr', \
                'x_corr', 'x_corr_cont', 'mass_corr', 'spec500', 'spec2500']
entropy_field = ['500', '2500']
luminosity_field = ['x', 'x_cont', 'xb', 'xb_cont', 'x_corr', 'xb_corr']
ne_field = ['500', '2500']
nh_field = ['500', '2500']
# _cont for only considering continuum emission, _corr for core-corrected (0.15*R500-R500)
# xb for broad band X-ray (0.1-2.4 keV) in our case.

default_field = {'R': radius_field, 'M': mass_field, 'T': temp_field,\
            'S': entropy_field, 'L': luminosity_field, 'ne': ne_field, 'nh': nh_field}
default_units = {'T': 'keV', 'L': 'erg s**-1', 'R': 'kpc', 'M': 'Msol', \
            'S': 'keV cm**2', 'ne': 'cm**-3', 'nh': 'cm**-3'}

[docs]class halo_props: ''' Systematically analyse the halo X-ray properties based on other modules. Attributes ----------- datatype : str A copy of the input type of simulation data. catalogue_original : pynbody.halo.HaloCatalogue The input halo catalogue. length : length of the input catalogue. host_id_of_top_level How catalogue record "hostHalo" for those halos without a host halo. Default is 0. errorlist : list Record when the host halo ID of a certain subhalo is not recorded in the catalogue (weird but will happen in ahf sometimes). rho_crit Critical density of the current snapshot in Msol kpc**-3. ovdens Virial overdensity factor :math:`\Delta_{vir}` of the current snapshot. dict : astropy.table.Table A copy of the dictionary but in a table form to make future reference more convenient. haloid List of halo_id given by property dictionary. IDlist Table of halo_id and corresponding #ID given in the property dictionary. hostid List of the halo_id of the host halo of each halo (originally recorded in the property dictionary in the form of #ID). new_catalogue : dict The new catalogue which includes all the subhalo particles in its host halo. The keys of the dictionary are the indexes of halos in `catalogue_original`. prop Table of quantities corresponding to input field. host_list List of host halos. tophost halo_ids of the top-level host halo for each halo. children : list of sets Each set corresponds to the one-level down children of each halo. galaxy_list List of all galaxies (as long as n_star > 0). lumi_galaxy_list List of all luminous galaxies (self_m_star > galaxy_low_limit). galaxies : list of sets Each set corresponds to the embeded galaxies of each halo. All the subhalos will not be considered and will have an empty set. And for host halos it will include all the galaxies within it, including the galaxies actually embedded in the subhalo (i.e., the children of subhalo). lumi_galaxies Each set corresponds to the embeded luminous galaxies of each halo. Same as `galaxies`, only care about host halo and include all the luminous galaxies within. n_lgal Number of total luminous galaxies embedded in each halo. Again, only care about host halos and the galaxies within subhalos (i.e., subhalos themselves) will also be taken into account. group_list halo_id of the halo identified as group in the catalogue. ''' def __init__(self, halocatalogue, datatype, field=default_field, field_units=default_units, host_id_of_top_level=0, verbose=True): ''' Initialization routine. Input ----- ahfcatalogue : pynbody.halo.HaloCatalogue Only has been tested for pynbody.halo.AHFCatalogue field Quantities to calculate. When changing specific_mass_field, luminosity_field and temp_field, source codes must be modified. datatype : str What kind of simulation data you are dealing with. Accepted datatype for now: 'gizmo_ahf' and 'tipsy_ahf'. host_id_of_top_level How catalogue record "hostHalo" for those halos without a host halo. Default is 0. ''' self.datatype=datatype self.catalogue_original = halocatalogue self.length = len(self.catalogue_original) init_zeros = np.zeros(self.length) self.host_id_of_top_level = host_id_of_top_level self.errorlist = [{}, {}, {}] self.verbose = verbose self.rho_crit = pnb.analysis.cosmology.rho_crit(f=self.catalogue_original[1], unit='Msol kpc**-3') self.ovdens = cosmology.Delta_vir(self.catalogue_original[1]) self.dict = [] k = 0 for j in range(self.length): i = j + 1 prop = self.catalogue_original[i].properties # currently pynbody can not load the *substructure files # generated by MPI AHF correctly, so here we remove # substructure info even if it can be successfully loaded # with the none-MPI AHF files. prop.pop('children', None) prop.pop('parentid', None) hid = prop['halo_id'] if i != hid: raise Exception('Attention! halo_id doesn\'t equal i !!!') self.dict.append(prop) if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Loading properties... {:7} / {}'.format(i, self.length), end='\r') k = i self.dict = Table(self.dict) self.haloid = self.dict['halo_id'] IDs = self.dict['#ID'] self.ID_list = Table([IDs, self.haloid], names=['#ID', 'halo_id']) self.ID_list.add_row([host_id_of_top_level, host_id_of_top_level]) self.ID_list.add_index('#ID') host_in_IDlist = np.isin(self.dict['hostHalo'], self.ID_list['#ID']) # Some hostHalo id will not be listed in #ID list, this is probably due to AHF algorithm in_idx, = np.where(host_in_IDlist) _not_in_ = np.invert(host_in_IDlist) not_in_idx, = np.where(_not_in_) self.hostid = np.zeros(self.length, self.hostid[in_idx] = self.ID_list.loc[self.dict['hostHalo'][in_idx]]['halo_id'] self.hostid =,, mask=_not_in_) # loc method enables using #ID as index if len(not_in_idx) > 0: for error in not_in_idx: self.errorlist[0][self.haloid[error]] = self.dict['hostHalo'][error] # prop initialization self.prop = {} for field_type in field_units: init_prop_table = [init_zeros for _ in range(len(field[field_type]))] self.prop[field_type] = Table(init_prop_table, names=field[field_type]) # astropy.table.Table is only used for generating a structured array more conveniently self.prop[field_type] = pnb.array.SimArray(self.prop[field_type], units=field_units[field_type]) if field is None: self.field = default_field else: self.field = field self.field_units = field_units self._have_children = False self._have_galaxy = False self._have_group = False self._have_radii = False self._have_temp = False self._have_new_catalogue = False self._have_center = False
[docs] def init_relationship(self, galaxy_low_limit, include_sub=False, galaxy_mode='only stellar', N_galaxy=3): ''' Get basic information regarding groups, hosts, children, etc. Parameters ------------ galaxy_low_limit : pynbody.array.SimArray Required by get_galaxy(). Limit above which galaxies will be identified as luminous galaxies. include_sub Whether or not to include all the subhalo particles when generating the new catalogue. See get_new_catalogue() for details. N_galaxy : int Required by get_group_list(). Number of luminous galaxies above which host halos are considered as groups. ''' self.get_children() self.get_new_catalogue(include_ = include_sub) self.get_galaxy(g_low_limit = galaxy_low_limit, mode=galaxy_mode) self.get_group_list(N_galaxy) self.get_center()
[docs] def calcu_radii_masses(self, halo_id_list=[], rdict=None, precision=1e-2, rmax=None): ''' Calculate radii (Rvir, R200, etc) and corresponding masses. Parameters ----------- halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate radii and masses. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. rdict : dict names and values for overdensity factors. Default is: {'vir': self.ovdens, '200': 200, '500': 500, '2500': 2500} precision : float Precision for calculate radius. See get_index() in documentation for detail. rmax Maximum value for the shrinking sphere method. See get_index() in documentation for detail. ''' halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_center: raise Exception('Must get_center first!') if rdict == None: rdict = {'vir': self.ovdens, '200': 200, '500': 500, '2500': 2500} t1 = 0; t2 = 0 list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() k = 0 for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 prop = self.dict[i] t1 = time.time() MassRadii = cR.get_radius(self.new_catalogue[j], \ overdensities=list(rdict.values()), rho_crit=self.rho_crit, \ prop=prop, precision=precision,[i], rmax=rmax) for key in rdict: self.prop['R'][key][i] = MassRadii[1][rdict[key]] self.prop['M'][key][i] = MassRadii[0][rdict[key]] t2 = time.time() if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Calculating radii and masses... {:7} / {}, time: \ {:.5f}s'.format(j, list_length, t2 - t1), end='\r') k = i self._have_radii = True
[docs] def calcu_specific_masses(self, halo_id_list=[], \ calcu_field=radii_to_cal_sepcific_mass, \ temp_cut='5e5 K', nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3'): ''' Calculate some specific masses, such as baryon, IGrM, etc. Parameters ----------- halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate masses. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. calcu_field Radii to calculate specific masses within. temp_cut Temperature limit above which gas particles are considered as hot. nh_cut nh limit above which gas particles are considered as star forming. ''' halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() k = 0 for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 prop = self.dict[i] center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) for r in calcu_field: # Apply filters if "x" in r: _frac, _tr = r.split("x") _tmpr = float(_frac)*self.prop['R'][i:i+1][_tr].in_units('kpc') else: _tmpr = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][r].in_units('kpc') subsim = halo[pnb.filt.Sphere(_tmpr)] cold_diffuse_gas = subsim.gas[pnb.filt.LowPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut)] ISM = subsim.gas[pnb.filt.HighPass('nh', nh_cut)] hot_diffuse_gas_ = subsim.gas[pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut)] # Calculate masses self.prop['M']['star' + r][i] =['mass'].sum() self.prop['M']['gas' + r][i] = subsim.gas['mass'].sum() self.prop['M']['bar' + r][i] = self.prop['M']['star' + r][i] \ + self.prop['M']['gas' + r][i] self.prop['M']['ism' + r][i] = ISM['mass'].sum() self.prop['M']['cold' + r][i] = cold_diffuse_gas['mass'].sum() \ + self.prop['M']['ism' + r][i] self.prop['M']['igrm' + r][i] = hot_diffuse_gas_['mass'].sum() halo['pos'] = original_pos if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Calculating specific masses... {:7} / {}'.format(j, list_length), end='\r') k = i
[docs] def calcu_temp_lumi(self, cal_file, halo_id_list=[], \ core_corr_factor=0.15, calcu_field='500', \ temp_cut='5e5 K', nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3', \ additional_filt=None): ''' Calculate all the temperatures and luminosities listed in temp_field and luminosity_field. Parameters ----------- cal_file Calibration file used for calculating Tspec. halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate temperatures and luminosities. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. core_corr_factor Inner radius for calculating core-corrected temperatures. Gas particles within (core_corr_factor*R, R) will be used for calculation. calcu_field Radius to calculate temperatures and luminosities within. Must be in radius_field. Default: R_500. temp_cut Temperature limit above which gas particles are considered as hot. nh_cut nh limit above which gas particles are considered as star forming. additional_filt Any additional filter used to constrain the hot diffuse gas we are investigating. ''' halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() k = 0 for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] if "x" in calcu_field: _frac, _tr = calcu_field.split("x") R = float(_frac)*self.prop['R'][i:i+1][_tr].in_units('kpc') _append = "_" + _frac else: R = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][calcu_field].in_units('kpc') _append = "" tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) subsim = halo[pnb.filt.Sphere(R)] if additional_filt is None: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) else: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) & additional_filt hot_diffuse_gas_ = subsim.gas[hot_diffuse_filt] # cal_tweight can return the sum of weight_type at the same time. self.prop['T']['x' + _append][i], self.prop['L']['x' + _append][i] = \ cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='Lx') self.prop['T']['x_cont' + _append][i], self.prop['L']['x_cont' + _append][i] = \ cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='Lx_cont') self.prop['T']['mass' + _append][i], _= cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='mass') self.prop['T']['spec' + _append][i] = pnb.array.SimArray(cal_tspec(hot_diffuse_gas_, \ cal_f=cal_file, datatype=self.datatype), units='keV') self.prop['T']['xb' + _append][i], self.prop['L']['xb' + _append][i] = \ cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='Lxb') self.prop['L']['xb_cont' + _append][i] = hot_diffuse_gas_['Lxb_cont'].sum() # Core-corrected temperatures: # Filter: corr_hot_ = hot_diffuse_gas_[~pnb.filt.Sphere(core_corr_factor*R)] self.prop['T']['spec_corr' + _append][i] = pnb.array.SimArray(cal_tspec(corr_hot_, \ cal_f=cal_file, datatype=self.datatype), units='keV') self.prop['T']['x_corr' + _append][i], self.prop['L']['x_corr' + _append][i] = cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='Lx') self.prop['T']['xb_corr' + _append][i], self.prop['L']['xb_corr' + _append][i] = cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='Lxb') self.prop['T']['x_corr_cont' + _append][i], _ = \ cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='Lx_cont') self.prop['T']['mass_corr' + _append][i], _ = cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='mass') halo['pos'] = original_pos if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Calculating temperatures and luminosities... {:7} / {}'\ .format(j, list_length), end='\r') k = i self._have_temp = True
[docs] def calcu_entropy(self, cal_file, n_par=9, halo_id_list=[], \ calcu_field=entropy_field, thickness=0.05, volume_type='full', \ temp_cut='5e5 K', nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3', additional_filt=None): ''' Calculate all entropy within a thin spherical shell centered at halo. Parameters ----------- cal_file Calibration file used for calculating Tspec. n_par : int Number of particles the shell must contain, below which entropy will not be calculated. halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate entropies. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. calcu_field Radii of the thin shell to calculate entropies. thickness : float Thickness Devided by radius of the spherical shell, i.e., the shell will be R~(1+thickness)*R. volume : str Volume used for calculating average electron number density. 'gas' means only using the sum over the volumes of all hot diffuse gas particles. 'full' means to use 4*pi*R^2*dR. temp_cut Temperature limit above which gas particles are considered as hot. nh_cut nh limit above which gas particles are considered as star forming. additional_filt Any additional filter used to constrain the hot diffuse gas we are investigating. ''' # thickness = pnb.array.SimArray(thickness, 'kpc') halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() k = 0 for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) for r in calcu_field: if "x" in r: _frac, _tr = r.split("x") R = float(_frac)*self.prop['R'][i:i+1][_tr].in_units('kpc') else: R = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][r].in_units('kpc') subgas = halo.gas[pnb.filt.Annulus(R, (thickness + 1) * R)] if additional_filt is None: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) else: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) & additional_filt hot_diffuse_gas_ = subgas[hot_diffuse_filt] if len(hot_diffuse_gas_) < n_par: self.prop['S'][r][i] = np.nan self.prop['T']['spec' + r][i] = np.nan else: tempTspec = pnb.array.SimArray(cal_tspec(hot_diffuse_gas_, \ cal_f=cal_file, datatype=self.datatype), units='keV') if volume_type == 'gas': temp_volume = hot_diffuse_gas_['volume'].sum() elif volume_type == 'full': temp_volume = 4/3*np.pi*(((thickness + 1) * R)**3 - R**3) elif volume_type == 'full_approx': temp_volume = 4*np.pi*R**2*thickness*R else: raise Exception("volume_type is not accepted!") avg_ne = ((hot_diffuse_gas_['ne'] * hot_diffuse_gas_['volume']).sum() \ / temp_volume).in_units('cm**-3') avg_nh = ((hot_diffuse_gas_['nh'] * hot_diffuse_gas_['volume']).sum() \ / temp_volume).in_units('cm**-3') self.prop['T']['spec' + r][i] = tempTspec self.prop['ne'][r][i] = avg_ne self.prop['nh'][r][i] = avg_nh self.prop['S'][r][i] = tempTspec/(avg_ne)**(2, 3) halo['pos'] = original_pos if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print(' Calculating entropies... {:7} / {}'\ .format(j, list_length), end='\r') k = i
[docs] def init_metallicity(self, elements, radii, weight_types): init_zeros = np.zeros(self.length) field_names = [] for ele in elements: for rad in radii: for weight_type in weight_types: field_names.append('Z_' + ele + rad + weight_type) init_prop_table = Table([init_zeros for _ in range(len(field_names))]) self.prop['metals'] = Table(init_prop_table, names=field_names) self.prop['metals'] = pnb.array.SimArray(self.prop['metals'], units='cm**-3') self.field['metals'] = field_names self.field_units['metals'] = 'cm**-3'
[docs] def calcu_metallicity(self, halo_id_list=[], elements=['H', 'O', 'Si', 'Fe'], \ radii=['500'], temp_cut='5e5 K', nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3', \ additional_filt=None, weight_types=['mass', 'Lx'], metal_idx=None): if metal_idx is not None: self.metal_idx = metal_idx elif self.datatype[:5] == 'gizmo': self.metal_idx = {'He': 1, 'C': 2, 'N': 3, 'O': 4, \ 'Ne': 5, 'Mg': 6, 'Si': 7, 'S': 8, 'Ca': 9, 'Fe': 10} else: raise Exception('Must provide metal_idx or use the default GIZMO settings.') if 'metals' not in self.prop: self.init_metallicity(elements, radii, weight_types) halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() k = 0 for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) for r in radii: if "x" in r: _frac, _tr = r.split("x") R = float(_frac)*self.prop['R'][i:i+1][_tr].in_units('kpc') else: R = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][r].in_units('kpc') subgas = halo.gas[pnb.filt.Sphere(R)] if additional_filt is None: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) else: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) & additional_filt igrm = subgas[hot_diffuse_filt] for weight_type in weight_types: weight_sum = igrm[weight_type].sum() for ele in elements: if ele != 'H': # gas_nx = g_p.n_X(igrm['rho'], igrm['metals'][:, self.metal_idx[ele]], ele) totZx = (igrm['metals'][:, self.metal_idx[ele]] * igrm[weight_type]).sum() else: # totNx = (igrm['nh'] * igrm[weight_type]).sum() totZx = (igrm['X_H'] * igrm[weight_type]).sum() self.prop['metals']['Z_' + ele + r + weight_type][i] = \ (totZx/weight_sum) halo['pos'] = original_pos if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print(' Calculating metallicities... {:7} / {}'\ .format(j, list_length), end='\r') k = i
[docs] def savedata(self, filename, field = None, halo_id_list=[], units=None): ''' Save the data in hdf5 format. Will save halo_id_list (key: 'halo_id') and the quantities listed in field. Parameters ----------- filename Filename of the hdf5 file. field Type of information to save. halo_id_list List of halo_ids to save.If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. units Convert the data into specified inits and save. ''' if field is None: field = self.field if units is None: field_units = self.field_units halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: halo_id_list = self.group_list with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: dataset = f.create_dataset("halo_id", data = halo_id_list) dataset.attrs['Description'] = 'halo_ids of halos saved in this file.' dataset2 = f.create_dataset("N_lgal", data = self.n_lgal[halo_id_list - 1]) dataset2.attrs['Description'] = 'Number of luminous galaxies' for attr in field: grp = f.create_group(attr) infos = field[attr] for info in infos: data_to_save = self.prop[attr][info][halo_id_list - 1] data_to_save.convert_units(field_units[attr]) dset = grp.create_dataset(info, data = data_to_save) dset.attrs['units'] = str(data_to_save.units)
[docs] def get_children(self): ''' Generate list of children (subhalos) for each halo. Subhalo itself can also have children. And this list will not contain "grandchildren" (i.e., the children of children). ''' self.host_list = [] self.tophost = np.zeros(self.length).astype( self.children = [set() for _ in range(self.length)] k = 0 for i in range(self.length): j = self.haloid[i]#j = i + 1 if ((j // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Generating children list... Halo: {:7} / {}'.format(j, self.length), end='\r') k = j prop = self.dict[i] hostID = prop['hostHalo'] if j in self.errorlist[0]: self.errorlist[1][j] = hostID continue try: if hostID == self.host_id_of_top_level: self.host_list.append(j) self.tophost[i] = j else: if hostID < 0: print('Make sure you\'ve used the correct host ID of the top-level halos!') host_haloid = self.ID_list.loc[hostID]['halo_id'] self.children[host_haloid - 1].add(j) temphost = j while temphost != self.host_id_of_top_level: temphost2 = temphost temphost = self.hostid[temphost - 1] self.tophost[i] = temphost2 except IndexError: self.errorlist[1][j] = hostID self._have_children = True
[docs] def get_new_catalogue(self, include_): ''' Generate a new catalogue based on catalogue_original, the new catalogue will include all the subhalo particles in its host halo. Parameters ------------- include_ : bool If True, then will include all the subhalo particles. Otherwise will just be a copy of catalogue_original. ''' if not self._have_children: raise Exception('Must get_children first!') if include_: self.new_catalogue = {} k = 0 for i in range(self.length): j = self.haloid[i] if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Generating new catalogue... Halo: {:7} / {}'.format(j, self.length), end='\r') k = i if len(self.children[i]) == 0: self.new_catalogue[j] = self.catalogue_original[j] else: union_list = [j] + list(self.children[i]) self.new_catalogue[j] = get_union(self.catalogue_original, union_list) else: self.new_catalogue = self.catalogue_original self._have_new_catalogue = True
[docs] def get_galaxy(self, g_low_limit, mode='only stellar'): ''' Generate list of galaxies for each host halo. The subsubhalo will also be included in the hosthalo galaxy list. And it won't generate list for the subhalos even if there are galaxies within. Parameters ------------- g_low_limit : pynbody.array.SimArray Limit above which galaxies will be identified as luminous galaxies. ''' if not self._have_children: raise Exception('Must get_children first!') if not self._have_new_catalogue: raise Exception('Must get_new_catalogue first!') self.galaxy_list = [] # List of all galaxies (as long as n_star > 0). self.lumi_galaxy_list = [] # List of all luminous galaxies (self_m_star > galaxy_low_limit). self.galaxies = [set() for _ in range(self.length)] self.lumi_galaxies = [set() for _ in range(self.length)] self.n_lgal = np.zeros(self.length) # Number of total luminous galaxies embedded in each host halo. # The galaxies within subhalos (i.e., subhalos themselves) will also be taken into account. k = 0 for i in range(self.length): j = self.haloid[i] if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print('Calculating total stellar masses... Halo: {:7} / {}'.format(j, self.length), end='\r') k = i self.prop['M']['total_star'][i] = self.new_catalogue[j].star['mass'].sum() sf_gas = self.new_catalogue[j].gas[pnb.filt.LowPass('temp', '3e4 K')] # sf_gas = self.new_catalogue[j].gas[pnb.filt.HighPass('nh', '0.13 cm**-3')] self.prop['M']['total_sfgas'][i] = sf_gas['mass'].sum() # sf_gas, i.e., star forming gas, is used in the definition of resolved galaxies in Liang's Figure2. # But seems that Liang didn't plot Figure 2 using the concept of resolved galaxies. low_limit = g_low_limit.in_units(self.prop['M']['total_star'].units) k = 0 for i in range(self.length): j = self.haloid[i] if ((i // 100) != (k // 100)) and self.verbose: print(' Identifying galaxies... Halo: {:7} / {}'.format(j, self.length), end='\r') k = i children_list = np.array(list(self.children[i])) if len(children_list) == 0: self_Mstar = self.prop['M']['total_star'][i] # if mode == 'include cold gas': self_Msfgas = self.prop['M']['total_sfgas'][i] else: children_union = get_union(self.new_catalogue, list(children_list)) children_union_within_ = self.new_catalogue[j].intersect(children_union) self_Mstar = self.prop['M']['total_star'][i] -['mass'].sum() # if mode == 'include cold gas': sf_gas_union = children_union_within_.gas[pnb.filt.LowPass('temp', '3e4 K')] # sf_gas_union = children_union.gas[pnb.filt.HighPass('nh', '0.13 cm**-3')] self_Msfgas = self.prop['M']['total_sfgas'][i] - sf_gas_union['mass'].sum() self.prop['M']['self_star'][i] = self_Mstar self.prop['M']['self_sfgas'][i] = self_Msfgas try: if mode == 'only stellar': condition = (self_Mstar > 0) elif mode == 'include cold gas': condition = (self_Mstar + self_Msfgas > low_limit) if condition: self.galaxy_list.append(j) temp_tophost = self.tophost[i] self.galaxies[temp_tophost-1].add(j) if self_Mstar > low_limit: self.lumi_galaxy_list.append(j) self.n_lgal[temp_tophost-1] += 1 self.lumi_galaxies[temp_tophost-1].add(j) except KeyError: self.errorlist[2][j] = self.dict['hostHalo'][i] self._have_galaxy = True
[docs] def get_group_list(self, N_galaxy): ''' halo_id of the halo identified as group in the catalogue. Parameters ----------- N_galaxy : int Number of luminous galaxies above which host halos are considered as groups. ''' if not self._have_galaxy: raise Exception('Must get_galaxy first!') self.group_list, = np.where(self.n_lgal >= N_galaxy) self.group_list += 1 self._have_group = True
[docs] def calcu_tx_lx(self, halo_id_list=[], \ core_corr_factor=0.15, calcu_field='500', \ temp_cut='5e5 K', nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3', additional_filt=None): ''' Calculate X-ray luminosities and emission weighted temperatures listed in temp_field and luminosity_field. Parameters ----------- halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate temperatures on. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. core_corr_factor Inner radius for calculating core-corrected temperatures. Gas particles within (core_corr_factor*R, R) will be used for calculation. calcu_field Radius to calculate temperatures and luminosities within. Must be in radius_field. Default: R_500. temp_cut Temperature limit above which gas particles are considered as hot. nh_cut nh limit above which gas particles are considered as star forming. additional_filt Any additional filter used to constrain the hot diffuse gas we are investigating. ''' halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') if not self._have_new_catalogue: raise Exception('Must get_new_catalogue first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 if self.verbose: print('Calculating temperatures and luminosities... {:7} / {}'\ .format(j, list_length), end='\r') center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] R = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][calcu_field].in_units('kpc') tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) subsim = halo[pnb.filt.Sphere(R)] if additional_filt is None: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) else: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) & additional_filt hot_diffuse_gas_ = subsim.gas[hot_diffuse_filt] # cal_tweight can return the sum of weight_type at the same time. self.prop['T']['x'][i], self.prop['L']['x'][i] = \ cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='Lx') self.prop['T']['x_cont'][i], self.prop['L']['x_cont'][i] = \ cal_tweight(hot_diffuse_gas_, weight_type='Lx_cont') # Core-corrected temperatures: # Filter: corr_hot_ = hot_diffuse_gas_[~pnb.filt.Sphere(core_corr_factor*R)] self.prop['T']['x_corr'][i], _ = cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='Lx') self.prop['T']['x_corr_cont'][i], _ = \ cal_tweight(corr_hot_, weight_type='Lx_cont') halo['pos'] = original_pos
[docs] def calcu_tspec(self, cal_file, halo_id_list=[], \ core_corr_factor=0.15, calcu_field='500', temp_cut='5e5 K', \ nh_cut='0.13 cm**-3', additional_filt=None): ''' Calculate spectroscopic temperatures based on Douglas's pytspec module. Parameters ----------- cal_file Calibration file used for calculating Tspec. halo_id_list List of halo_ids to calculate temperatures and luminosities. If set to empty list, then will use self.group_list. core_corr_factor Inner radius for calculating core-corrected temperatures. Gas particles within (core_corr_factor*R, R) will be used for calculation. calcu_field Radius to calculate temperatures and luminosities within. Must be in radius_field. Default: R_500. temp_cut Temperature limit above which gas particles are considered as hot. nh_cut nh limit above which gas particles are considered as star forming. additional_filt Any additional filter used to constrain the hot diffuse gas we are investigating. ''' halo_id_list = np.array(halo_id_list, if len(halo_id_list) == 0: if not self._have_group: raise Exception('Must get_group_list (or init_relationship) first!') halo_id_list = self.group_list if not self._have_radii: raise Exception('Must get_radii_masses first!') if not self._have_new_catalogue: raise Exception('Must get_new_catalogue first!') list_length = np.array(list(halo_id_list)).max() for j in halo_id_list: i = j - 1 if self.verbose: print('Calculating spectroscopic temperatures... {:7} / {}'\ .format(j, list_length), end='\r') center =[i] halo = self.new_catalogue[j] R = self.prop['R'][i:i+1][calcu_field].in_units('kpc') tx = pnb.transformation.inverse_translate(halo, center) with tx: boxsize =['boxsize'].in_units('kpc') original_pos = halo['pos'].copy() halo['pos'] = correct_pos(halo['pos'], boxsize) subsim = halo[pnb.filt.Sphere(R)] if additional_filt is None: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) else: hot_diffuse_filt = pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', temp_cut) & \ pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', nh_cut) & additional_filt hot_diffuse_gas_ = subsim.gas[hot_diffuse_filt] self.prop['T']['spec'][i] = pnb.array.SimArray(cal_tspec(hot_diffuse_gas_, \ cal_f=cal_file, datatype=self.datatype), units='keV') # Core-corrected temperatures: # Filter: corr_hot_ = hot_diffuse_gas_[~pnb.filt.Sphere(core_corr_factor*R)] self.prop['T']['spec_corr'][i] = pnb.array.SimArray(cal_tspec(corr_hot_, \ cal_f=cal_file, datatype=self.datatype), units='keV') halo['pos'] = original_pos
[docs] def get_center(self): ''' Calculate the center of the halos if an ahfcatalogue is provided, then will automatically load the results in ahf. Otherwise it will try to calculate the center coordinates via gravitional potential or center of mass. Notes ------ Due to a bug in pynbody, calculating center of mass will lead to an incorrect result for the halos crossing the periodical boundary of the simulation box. Make sure pynbody has fixed it before you use. ''' if self.datatype[-4:] == '_ahf': axes = ['Xc', 'Yc', 'Zc'] tempcen = {} for axis in axes: tempcen[axis] = np.asarray(self.dict[axis], dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1) = np.concatenate((tempcen['Xc'], tempcen['Yc'], tempcen['Zc']), axis=1) = pnb.array.SimArray(, units='kpc') * self.dict['a'][0] / self.dict['h'][0] if self.datatype == 'tipsy_ahf': -= self.dict['boxsize'][0].in_units('kpc')/2 else: = pnb.array.SimArray(np.zeros((self.length, 3)), units='kpc') if 'phi' in self.new_catalogue[1].loadable_keys(): center_mode = 'pot' else: center_mode = 'com' for i in range(self.length): j = self.haloid[i] print('Calculating center... {:7} / {}'.format(j, self.length), end='\r')[i] =[j], \ mode=center_mode, retcen=True, vel=False) self._have_center = True
[docs]def get_union(catalogue, list): ''' Calculate the union of the particles listed in the list. Parameters ----------- catalogue : pynbody.halo.HaloCatalogue list List of halos in the catalogue to get union. ''' temp_halo = catalogue[list[0]] for i in list[1:]: temp_halo = temp_halo.union(catalogue[i]) return temp_halo
[docs]def correct_pos(pos, boxsize): ''' Correct the position of patricles crossing the box periodical boundary. ''' for dim in range(3): index1, = np.where(pos[:, dim] < -boxsize/2) pos[index1, dim] += boxsize index2, = np.where(pos[:, dim] > boxsize/2) pos[index2, dim] -= boxsize return pos