Source code for XIGrM.X_properties

Tools for calculating X-ray properties of the IGrM using pynbody. 
Assume any necessary quantity is already prepared as the derived 
arrays of the snapshot.

import array
import pynbody as pnb
import astropy.constants as astroc
import astropy.units as astrou
import numpy as np

from pyatomdb.atomic import Z_to_mass
from pyatomdb.atomdb import get_abundance

from . import prepare_pyatomdb as ppat
from .prepare_pyatomdb import get_index
from . import calculate_R as cR
import pytspec as pt

# some constants
m_p = astroc.m_p.cgs.value
k_B = astroc.k_B.cgs.value
# Metal abundance in AG89
element_numbers = np.sort(ppat.atomic_in_atomdb)
element_abundances = ppat.AG89_abundances(element_numbers)
element_masses = ppat.get_atomic_masses(element_numbers)
Z_ag89 = (element_abundances*element_masses)[2:].sum()/(element_abundances*element_masses).sum()

[docs]def cal_tweight(halo, weight_type='Lx'): """ Calculate luminosity weighted or mass weighted temperatures. Parameters ----------- halo : pynbody.snapshot.SubSnap SubSnap of the halo. weight_type : str Type of weight to take. Related to the available properties of the gas. Now available: luminousity weighted (starts with 'l') and mass weighted (starts with 'm') """ try: if weight_type[0].lower() == 'l': weight_units = 'erg s**-1' T, weight_sum = np.average(halo.gas['temp'].in_units('K').view(np.ndarray), \ weights=halo.gas[weight_type].in_units(weight_units).view(np.ndarray), returned=True) elif weight_type[0].lower() == 'm': weight_units = 'Msol' T, weight_sum= np.average(halo.gas['temp'].in_units('K').view(np.ndarray), \ weights=halo.gas[weight_type].in_units(weight_units).view(np.ndarray), returned=True) else: raise Exception("weight_type Error!") except ZeroDivisionError: T = 0 weight_sum = 0 T = pnb.array.SimArray(T*k_B, units='erg') T.convert_units('keV') weight_sum = pnb.array.SimArray(weight_sum, units=weight_units) return T, weight_sum
[docs]def cal_tspec(hdgas, cal_f, datatype): """ Calculate the Tspec of hot diffuse gas particles. Parameters ----------- hdgas : pynbody.snapshot.SubSnap SubSnap of the hot diffuse gas. cal_f : str Calibration file. datatype : str Simulation data type. """ cal_f = cal_f.encode('utf-8') k_B_with_units = pnb.units.Unit('cm**2 g s**-2 K**-1') * k_B #hdgas = gas#[pnb.filt.HighPass('temp', '5e5 K')&pnb.filt.LowPass('nh', '0.13 cm**-3')] # short for hot diffuse tTemp_in_kev = (hdgas['temp'] * k_B_with_units).in_units('keV') if datatype[:5] == 'gizmo': tZ_in_solar = hdgas['metals'][:, 0]/Z_ag89 elif datatype[:5] == 'tipsy': tZ_in_solar = hdgas['metals']/Z_ag89 else: raise Exception("Simulation Datatype Not Accepted!") temission_meassure = (hdgas['mass'].in_units('Msol') * \ hdgas['rho'].in_units('Msol kpc**-3')).in_units('g**2 cm**-3') Temp_in_kev = array.array('f', tTemp_in_kev) Z_in_solar = array.array('f', tZ_in_solar) emission_meassure = array.array('f', temission_meassure) if len(Temp_in_kev) == 0: return 0 return pt.calculate(cal_f, Temp_in_kev, Z_in_solar, emission_meassure)